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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission

Former Grant Recipients

THGAAC Education Grant Recipients

The Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission's 2023 Education Grant application period was active from April 10, 2023 to May 8, 2023. Grant applicants could request up to $50,000.00 per project.

The THGAAC received a total of 23 grant applications, with 22 of those being eligible. Applications came from all over the state, from organizations of varying sizes and missions.

The THGAAC voted on the recommendations from the THGAAC Grant Scoring Committee at the May 31, 2023 quarterly meeting in Austin, TX. The Texas Historical Commission subsequently approved the THGAAC Education Grant awards at their quarterly meeting on July 21, 2023 in Marfa, TX.

2023 THGAAC Education Grant Recipients

Per Texas Government Code, Chapter 403, Section 403.0245, as of 9/1/2013, state agencies and institutions of higher education are required to publish the purpose of state grant awards greater than $25,000.

Amarillo Public Library

"Stories of Exile" | $5,000.00

This grant will allow the Amarillo Public Library to provide materials and community programming on the Holocaust, genocide, and antisemitism.

Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum

"Ten Stages of Genocide Graphic Novel Animation" | $50,000.00

The Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum currently uses print and digital copies of graphic novels they created to help demonstrate the Ten Stages of Genocide. This grant will allow them to animate certain graphic novels, thereby providing more in-depth student instruction on these stages.

"'Hidden History: Recounting the Jewish Shanghai Story' Special Exhibition" | $50,000.00

This grant will allow the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum to host an exhibit that examines the experiences of Shanghai's Jewish community, which was formed when its inhabitants fled Nazi Europe.

El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center

"2023 Biennial Educators' Conference: Tools for Teaching the Holocaust in Today's Classroom" | $10,350.00
This grant will allow the El Paso Holocaust Museum and Study Center to hold their biennial educators' conference on teaching the Holocaust.

Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio

"Hate Ends Now -- The Cattle Car Project" | $50,000.00

This grant will allow the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio to bring a replica cattle car to San Antonio and Austin to stand as a traveling exhibit. The cattle car houses virtual materials that use primary sources to provide a 360° presentation about the Holocaust to visitors.

Holocaust Museum Houston

"Antisemitism Toolkit" | $36,000.00

This will allow Holocaust Museum Houston to provide an educational toolkit that focuses on antisemitism, including its history and the dangers it presents. The toolkit will be made available in English and Spanish.

"Spanish Edition of Holocaust Remembrance Toolkit" | $9,000.00

This grant will allow Holocaust Museum Houston's Holocaust Remembrance Toolkit to be translated into Spanish, to be used by students still learning English. The museum will also provide corresponding educator workshops.

"Digitizing Self-Published Memoirs by Houston-Area Holocaust Survivors" | $2,150.00

This grant will allow Holocaust Museum Houston to digitize the written memoirs of Holocaust survivors, thereby facilitating their preservation and accessibility.

Holocaust Remembrance Association

"Holocaust Garden of Hope: Virtual Access" | $46,000.00

This grant will allow the Holocaust Remembrance Association to provide virtual interactive Holocaust programming, centered on the open-air Holocaust Garden of Hope.

Jewish Federation of Fort Worth & Tarrant County

"The Sh'ma Project" | $25,000.00

Dr. Suki John is the child of a Holocaust survivor and she has created a film that depicts her family's story through dance and music. The Jewish Federation of Forth Worth & Tarrant County will use this grant to create a version of the film specifically for students and to deliver corresponding workshops.

Museum of Biblical Art

"Celebration of Survival: Holocaust Heroes' Museum Exhibition" | $10,000.00

This grant will allow the Museum of Biblical Art to host an exhibit that examines the role of the Righteous Among the Nations during the Holocaust.

St. Sarkis Armenian Church of Dallas-Fort Worth

"Seeing the Humanity in Each of Us: The Lessons of the Armenian Genocide" | $46,500.00

This grant will allow St. Sarkis to provide a variety of community programming throughout the grant cycle, aimed at educating the public on the Armenian Genocide. Programming includes a cultural heritage festival, a teacher workshop, a student art expo, and an Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day event.