The mission of the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC) is to combat and confront hatred, prejudice, and indifference by educating all Texans about the Holocaust and other genocides in an effort to dismantle antisemitism and prevent such future atrocities.
In May 2021, House Bill 1555, the bill containing the Sunset Advisory Commission's statutory recommendations for the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission (THGC) did not pass during the 87th Texas Legislature. Instead, the Legislature enacted House Bill 3257, which repealed the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission's enabling statute and created the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission as of September 1, 2021. The THGAAC is administratively attached to the Texas Historical Commission.
Learn more about the THGAAC's history, mission, and successes in this one-page overview that can be downloaded and shared.
Our History
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission, coalesced by Senate Bill 482, was established in 2009 to ensure that resources were available to students, educators, and the general public regarding the Holocaust and other genocides.
In June 2019, Senate Bill 1828 received unanimous bicameral support during the 86th Legislature and established an annual Holocaust Remembrance Week in Texas public schools. SB 1828 instructs the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission (THGAAC) to develop or approve materials for public schools for a statewide Holocaust Remembrance Week. Counseled by the Commission, the Governor’s Office selected the week of January 27th as the date for Remembrance Week.