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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Women in the Kraków Resistance

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location Zoom
Date Sun, Oct 17, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Duration   1h

The New Cracow Friendship Society (NCFS) invites you to a live panel to explore the stories and impact of women resistance fighters in the Holocaust focusing on Kraków, Poland. Dr. Lori Weintrob will guide the discussion as we learn the impact of these inspiring women and how their fight relates to today. Q&A will be held after panel discussion followed by a brief reading from the memoir of Gusta ("Justyna") Davidson Draenger.

Dr. Lori Weintrob, Professor of History and the founding director of the Wagner College Holocaust Center in New York

Sheryl Ochayon, Program Director, Echoes & Reflections at Yad Vashem
Dr. Edyta Gawron, Assistant Professor in the Institute of Jewish Studies, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

Register here . Suggested donation is $18. All donations will go to the New Cracow Friendship Society (NCFS) Welfare Fund supporting Holocaust survivors in need.

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