Why Didn't the Allies Bomb Auschwitz?
Calendar | Workshops |
Location | Webinar |
Date | Wed, Jul 29, 1:00pm - 2:00pm |
Duration | 1h |
Details | This webinar is developed for an educator, university, and community member audience. It is not intended for middle/high school students. Could the Allies have done more during the Holocaust to stop the murders in the extermination camps? The issue of what the Allies could have or should have done to try to prevent the murders, or to slow down the Holocaust and save Jews, has been widely discussed and debated. During this webinar, Dr. David Silberklang, Senior Historian at the International Institute for Holocaust Research and Editor-in-Chief of Yad Vashem Studies, offers an insightful look into this question. Register here . |
Repeats? | No |
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