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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Planning the Holocaust: The Impact of the Wannsee Conference

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Zoom
Date Tue, Feb 1, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Duration   1h

On January 20, 1942, leaders from the Nazi Party and the German government met at a picturesque villa on the outskirts of Berlin to plan the last phase of the Final Solution, a Nazi euphemism for the annihilation of European Jewry. Since June 1941, mobile killing squads had taken part in the mass murder of Jews in the East. However, the Wannsee Conference paved the way for the large-scale deportation of Europe’s Jews to the death camps in Poland. Join Matthias Hass, head of the education and research department and the deputy director of the House of the Wannsee Conference Memorial Site and Education Center, for a discussion of the impact of this conference on the course of the Holocaust.

This program is part of the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum's Permanent Exhibition Highlight Series. Please register for one ticket per device used. This virtual event will take place on the online platform Zoom. A link to join will be sent to registered guests via email one hour before the start of the program.

Register here .

Dr. Matthias Hass is the head of the education and research department and the deputy director of the House of the Wannsee-Conference Memorial Site and Education Center. He is the curator of the travelling exhibition “The Wannsee Conference and the Persecution and Murder of the European Jews,” which was shown in a number of cities in North America and South Africa. He has worked as consultant, lecturer, and educator in the fields of politics of memory, European integration, and international exchange programs. Dr. Hass has worked for a number of organizations, including UNESCO, the Federal Association for Civic Education, the Körber Foundation, Amziade, and several museums and memorial sites. He has taught at the Free University in Berlin, York University in Toronto, and Touro College Berlin.

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