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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


New Discoveries from the Film "Shoah"

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Facebook Live
Date Wed, May 13, 8:30am - 9:30am
Duration   1h

Join the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) during this live digital program centered around the film "Shoah." In his landmark 9½-hour film, Shoah, Claude Lanzmann used just a small fraction of the 230 hours of known footage, leaving out some of the most poignant insights from Holocaust survivors, witnesses, and perpetrators.

For more than two decades the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has pursued an ambitious project to preserve the outtakes, digitize them, and put them online. With that project complete, historians are making new discoveries about survivors' optimism and extraordinary will to survive.

Join a conversation with USHMM experts about the film, Lanzmann's motivations, and the new insights on this history.

This program will be conducted through the USHMM's Facebook page .

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