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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Echoes & Reflections | The Vatican & the Holocaust: New Insights from the Pius XII Archives

Event details
Calendar   General
Location Online via Zoom
Date Mon, Mar 3, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Duration   1h

In 2020, the Vatican announced the opening of the archives covering the pontificate of Pius XII (1939-1958), reviving public controversies surrounding Pius XII's silences in the face of Nazi atrocities. What exactly do these new sources reveal, and how do they contribute to our understanding of the Holocaust, WWII and the power of religion? Do they help us comprehend the Vatican's deep ambivalences, between charity and prejudice, in the face of anti-Jewish persecution? What do they tell us about the lives of Holocaust victims and their attempts to survive by turning to the Vatican for help? Rome-based historian and scholar Dr. Nina Valbousquet will utilize her expertise in Catholic and Jewish history to shine a light on these fascinating new discoveries.

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