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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Disability Awareness Month: “Science” That Maimed

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Facebook Live
Date Mon, Oct 3, 8:30am - 9:00am
Duration   30m

In 1942, Nazi doctors subjected Jadwiga Dzido to barbaric “medical” experiments at the Ravensbrück concentration camp in Germany. She was among more than 70 female prisoners, mostly Polish, treated as human guinea pigs. Survivors resisted in a number of ways, including using a camera smuggled into the camp to document their abuse. The secret photos and trial testimony from Jadwiga and others helped bring some of the perpetrators to justice.

Join the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum during Disability Awareness Month to learn about the innocent women subjected to experiments in the name of science.

Dr. Patricia Heberer Rice, Senior Historian, United States Holocuast Memorial Museum

Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Watch live at . You do not need a Facebook account to view USHMM's program. After the live broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the USHMM’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

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