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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Antisemitism on the Dark Web and Anonymous Platforms (Session 2 of 4)

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Zoom
Date Tue, Mar 14, 11:00am - 12:00pm
Duration   1h

Taught by Dr. Lev Topor, ISGAP Visiting Scholar in Critical Antisemitism Studies, Discrimination and Human Rights at the Woolf Institute. This short digital course is aimed to present the topic of anonymous antisemitism and the way it is propagated nowadays with modern technologies, which mainly include platforms like the dark web or secure and anonymous messaging applications like telegram. During this course, we will learn and discuss the reasons for engaging in antisemitism anonymously, the effects of such antisemitism, as well as ongoing policies aimed to tackle this problem – whether policies from social media platforms/technology companies or from governments. During the course, we will also learn about the concepts of cyberspace, anonymity, and pseudonymity.

Session 1: Introduction – What Is Anonymous Communication and What Nazis Have to Do With It.
During this session, we will have a general introduction to the topics of antisemitism and racism online, as well as anonymous communications. We will also learn about the reasons that nudge neo-Nazis and other anti-Semites to the dark web.

Was held 7 March 2023 at 11 AM CT

Session 2: Online Antisemitism, Racism, Anti-Muslim Sentiment, and Xenophobia – A Review
During this session, we will dive deep into the world of online antisemitism, racism, Islamophobia and xenophobia. We will also continue our discussion about anonymous antisemitism and begin to learn about governmental and technology companies’ policies towards these issues.

Will be held 14 March 2023 at at 11 AM CT

Session 3: Trends from the Dark Web and Telegram: Online Radicalization
During this session, we will learn about antisemitic trends from the dark web and compare them to antisemitism and racism on the regular online domain.

Will be held 21 March 2023 at at 11 AM CT

Session 4: Conclusion and Future Recommendations
During this session, we will have an overview of the topics: antisemitism, online hatred, anonymous communications, and antisemitism on the dark web and on secure messaging applications. We will have a comparative look at policies against online hate and, lastly, engage in an open discussion about the online domain, online hatred, and freedom of speech.

Will be held 28 March 2023 at at 11 AM CT

This course costs $100. Register here .

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