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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


2021 First Person Series: Rachel (Rae) Goldfarb

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location YouTube
Date Wed, Aug 4, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Duration   1h

Rachel (Rae) Goldfarb was 10 years old when the Nazis occupied her Polish hometown. They forced Jews into a small area designated as a ghetto, which included Rae’s family home. Fearing for their safety after mass killings began, Rae’s mother hid the family behind a double wall between their home and what had been the warehouse of the fabric business they were forced to close.

Learn about Rae’s experiences as a Jewish girl under Nazi occupation and how her mother’s quick thinking helped them escape from two ghettos and later join a group of partisan fighters.

Rachel Goldfarb, Holocaust Survivor and Museum Volunteer

Bill Benson, Journalist and Host, First Person: Conversations with Holocaust Survivors

Watch live at . You do not need a YouTube account to view USHMM's program. After the live broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on USHMM's YouTube page .

The First Person series is a monthly hour-long discussion with a Holocaust survivor and is made possible through generous support from the Louis Franklin Smith Foundation, with additional funding from the Arlene and Daniel Fisher Foundation.

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