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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Holocaust Education: An American History

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Zoom
Date Wed, Aug 18, 10:30am - 11:30am
Duration   1h

Holocaust education has become a recent subject of popular discussion throughout the United States. Currently mandated in 18 states and the recent subject of national legislation, teaching about the Holocaust appears on the surface to be growing in American classrooms. However, some studies raise alarm about a reported lack of Holocaust knowledge, particularly among young Americans. In contrast, others point to the success of Holocaust education in promoting tolerance and empathy in students.

How do we understand these recent developments in historical context? How has teaching about the Holocaust changed in the seventy-five years since the end of World War II? Join Chhange Program Manager Spencer Cronin for a Lunch & Learn on the history of American Holocaust education.

Spencer Cronin is the Program Manager at the Center for Holocaust, Human Rights & Genocide Education. He holds a BA and an MA in history with a concentration in Holocaust and Genocide studies from Clark University. He has researched and written about Holocaust education in the United States. Prior to coming to Chhange, he served as the Program Coordinator at the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum.

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