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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Crucial Conversations: Confronting Antisemitism - Combating Antisemitism

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location Zoom
Date Thu, Aug 5, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Duration   1h

In the final session of this series, the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum will discuss concrete strategies to combat antisemitism. Building on the foundation of history, knowledge, and understanding developed during the series, this session will serve as a call to action for all of us to engage in this work.

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About the Series
Join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum for a four-part series on antisemitism. Through these public programs, they aim to foster an increased understanding of the origins and history of antisemitism, to discuss the recent increase in antisemitism globally and in the United States, and to identify concrete steps that can be taken to confront and disrupt antisemitism. For these sessions, they will convene a diverse group of experts to share their knowledge, experiences, and ideas.

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