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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Legislating Atrocity Prevention

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location Webcast
Date Wed, Jun 16, 11:00am - 2:00pm
Duration   3h

Join Sara E. Brown, PhD, the Executive Director of Chhange; Zachary D. Kaufman, JD, PhD, Associate Professor of Law and Political Science at the University of Houston Law Center; and Doug Cervi, the Executive Director of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, as they present a CLE course in partnership with the New Jersey State Bar Association.

Legislating Atrocity will examine the legacy of the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, including the history of its original author, Polish lawyer Raphael Lemkin, the politics behind the drafting process, and the Convention's lasting impact. It will also include discussion of Dr. Kaufaman's Harvard Journal on Legislation article, Legislating Atrocity Prevention, about the US approach to preventing genocide and other atrocities, including through ratifying the Genocide Convention.

Register here .

This program is open to the public and has been approved by the Board on Continuing Legal Education of the Supreme Court of New Jersey for 3.3 hours of total CLE credit. Of these, 1.2 qualify as hours of credit for diversity and inclusion.

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