A Survivor's Liberation Experience
Calendar | Speaking Engagements |
Location | Webinar |
Date | Tue, Jan 5, 2:00pm - 3:00pm |
Duration | 1h |
Details | Echoes & Reflections invites teachers and their students to participate and hear from Holocaust survivor Marion Blumenthal Lazan, author of Four Perfect Pebbles, a Scholastic Book recommended for grades 6-12. While Europe and the US celebrated the end of WWII, those who survived the Holocaust had the difficult and painful task of picking up the pieces and rebuilding after liberation. During this webinar, participants will hear a first-hand account of liberation and begin to understand how survivors contemplated life after the Holocaust. Please direct your students to register using the Student Registration Form . Teachers and all other non-students may register with the link below. Register here . Echoes & Reflections delivers value to both experienced Holocaust educators and for teachers new to Holocaust education. |
Repeats? | No |
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