The Exile of the Musicians: A Film by Iván Cherjovsky & Silvia Glocer
Calendar | General |
Location | Trinity University | Chapman Auditorium One Trinity PlaceSan Antonio, TX, 78212United States |
Date | Tue, Jan 28, 7:00pm - 9:00pm |
Duration | 2h |
Details | Join director Iván Cherjovsky for a screening and discussion of his new documentary. The film tells the story of musicians who fled the Nazis and took refuge in Argentina. SPONSORED BY Trinity University Lecturers & Visiting Scholars Committee | Trinity University Division of Arts & Humanities | Program: Mexico, the Americas, Spain (MAS) | Trinity University Global Latinx Major | Trinity University Departments of Modern Languages & Literatures, Sociology & Anthropology, Religion, English, Classics, Music, Communications, Political Science, History, and Human Communication & Theatre, Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio, and Hillel San Antonio |
Repeats? | No |
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