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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Echoes & Reflections- Hungary: The Last Chapter of the Holocaust

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location Online webinar
Date Wed, Mar 13, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Duration   2h

The height of the Holocaust was in the year 1944 with the destruction of the Jews of Hungary. Eighty years ago, in March 1944, German troops invaded Hungary and that spring and summer, in just 7 short weeks, over 430,000 Jews were deported, most to Auschwitz. How could this have happened so late in the war? What did people know? Despite this, the biggest and most effective rescue operation of the Holocaust occurred in Hungary. Join Rob Rozett, Senior Historian at Yad Vashem, to commemorate this anniversary and explore these issues. This webinar connects to the Final Solution unit on the Echoes & Reflections website.

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