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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


The Nuremberg Trial of Nazi War Criminals Following World War II

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Zoom
Date Tue, Oct 3, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Duration   1h

Following World War II, the victorious Allies pursued efforts to hold Nazi perpetrators of the war and its atrocities legally accountable, prosecuting them for crimes against national and international laws, and creating the first international criminal court. Convened during 1945-1946 in Nuremberg in allied-occupied Germany, this court adjudicated the guilt of Nazi arch-criminals—the surviving men who had been Nazi leaders and policymakers.

In this lecture, Professor John Q. Barrett, the Benjamin N. Cardozo Professor of Law at St. John’s University, will explain the Nuremberg Trial, how it fit into the landscape of post-WWII accountability processes, and how it produced evidence-based early comprehension of the Holocaust. This webinar connects to the Justice, Life, and Memory After the Holocaust unit on the Echoes & Reflections website.

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Echoes & Reflections' webinars are designed to increase participants’ knowledge of Holocaust history, explore and access classroom-ready content, and support instructional practice to promote student learning and understanding of this complex history and its lasting effect on the world.

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