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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Metroplex Social Studies Conference (Uniting All Voices)

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Region 11 ESC
Date Thu, Jun 22, 9:00am - 4:00pm
Duration   7h

This Social Studies professional learning opportunity will provide support with implementing the Social Studies TEKS, research-based instructional strategies focused on inquiry, historical thinking and future-ready learning and access to quality resources targeted to provide support for all grade levels.

ESC Regions 10 and 11 are excited to invite you to attend our 4th Metroplex Social Studies Conference on June 22. This year’s focus will focus on the need to bring all voices together, the reality of the larger global community we belong to and the need to cultivate and foster future ready skills with our students. You will have the opportunity to learn strategies, lesson ideas, and resources from fellow "rock star" educators throughout the Metroplex and beyond. Our learning extravaganza will be held face-to-face at Region 11. Come join them for an amazing day of spectacular social studies learning!

Notes: The conference this year will be entirely face to face and will be held at the Region 11 Education Service Center.

This workshop is facilitated by Region 10 & Region 11 ESCs.

Register here .

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