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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


National Commemoration of the Days of Remembrance

Event details
Calendar   Commemorations
Location Virtual
Date Thu, Apr 20, 9:30am - 10:30am
Duration   1h

The US Congress established the Days of Remembrance as the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust, during which we remember the six million Jews who were murdered. Since 1982, the USHMM has organized and led the national Days of Remembrance ceremony with Holocaust survivors, Members of Congress, White House officials, the diplomatic corps, and community leaders. As the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum leads the nation in honoring the survivors, paying tribute to the rescuers, and celebrating the liberators, we are reminded of the power of their history to inspire all of us to confront antisemitism, all forms of group-targeted hate, and genocide.

Learn more here .

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