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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


The Łódź Ghetto: An In-Depth Study

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Zoom
Date Mon, May 1, 2:00pm - 3:00pm
Duration   1h

What was life like for those trapped inside the Łódź ghetto? When the Germans sealed off the ghetto on May 1, 1940, 164,000 Jews were imprisoned in Łódź, the second largest of over 1,000 ghettos in Europe. Using photography and testimony, Yad Vashem educator Liz Elsby will provide insight into the four long years the ghetto existed, and its many unique characteristics. This webinar connects with Lesson Plan Unit 4 on the Echoes & Reflections website.

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Echoes & Reflections' webinars are designed to increase participants’ knowledge of Holocaust history, explore and access classroom-ready content, and support instructional practice to promote student learning and understanding of this complex history and its lasting effect on the world.

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