Featuring Professor Richard Landes, Associate Professor Emeritus of
History, Boston University; this course will be an exploration of the
four historical chapters of his recent book, in which you discuss each of
the four incidents using the conceptual tools provided in the later
chapters. The course will examine the intersection of a range of themes
that shed light not only on the “new antisemitism” of the 21st
century, but its direct connection to the war on democracy and human
rights that has so disoriented and divided Western polities… and
continues to do so. It is an introduction to the shaping of the
upside-down world that the current generation was born into.
For parents of, and children entering the world of Western academia.
Session 1: The Oslo Jihad and the al Durah blood libel The “al-Aqsa Intifada” was the first attack on a democracy by the
forces of Global Jihad, it also constitutes the first case in the
history of the modern news media of a pack “fake news” in which the
conflict was presented almost universally as a fight between “freedom
fighters” resisting Western colonialism, and fueled by a combination of
falsehoods both by commission (al-Durah) and omission (any mention of
Palestinian genocidal preaching) which laid the groundwork for Y2KMind: When Jihadis attack a democracy, blame the democracy.
These themes found a systematic consolidation at Durban (2001) where an
alliance between progressive “human rights” activists joined forces
with proponents of Global Jihad.
Was held April 20 2023 at 10AM CST
Session 2: 9-11 and Y2KMind 9-11 was the second attack on a democracy. Although many voices
opposed it, a range of “progressive” analysts, applied Y2KMind outside
of Israel. We analyze President Bush’s speech at the Islamic Center of
DC, Baudrillard’s oped in Le Monde, 9-11 conspiracy theories,
and the news medias acceptance of the principle “one man’s terrorist is
another’s freedom fighter.” The combination of attitudes that appear in
these separate cases has shaped the discourse of 21st century progressive discourse and produced a systemic disorientation that continues to dominate the democratic public sphere.
Was held April 27 2023 at 10AM CST
Session 3: The Jenin Massacre and Own-Goal Journalism Operation Defensive Shield (April-May 2002) was the first campaign of
urban warfare against suicide-terror Jihadis who took cover behind
civilians. It was again, almost universally reported by Western news
media who were not eyewitnesses as an Israeli massacre of innocent
civilians, based entirely on claims made by Palestinians. Demonstrations
throughout the West took the side of Jihadis, in some cases wearing
mock suicide vests to show solidarity with those whose fellow Jihadis
would soon attack their countries. It also led to a wave of antisemitic
attacks in the West and the beginnings of the progressive boycott of
Israel. It also produced the sudden appearance of “as-a-Jew” Jews who,
without any previous public identification as Jewish, now felt called
upon to denounce Israel to the nations.
Will be held May 4 2023 at 10AM CST
Session 4: The Danish Cartoon Scandal and the Extension of Shariah to Dar al Harb The controversy around the Danish newspaper, Jylands Post, publishing
12 cartoons of Muhammad (only eight of which dared to depict the
prophet), constitutes the first major cognitive war campaign against the
West in which Caliphators tried to extend the laws of Shariah to
infidels not living under Muslim Rule (i.e. those in Dar al Islam). They
did this through fake news (3 forged and deeply blasphemous cartoons),
by which staged a moral emergency, and deployed the Muslim Street in the
West. The Western reaction, while framed in a language of respect and
consideration, established the basic principles of pre-emptive
dhimmitude, or the adoption of submissive behavior as a way of
postponing Jihadi attack.
Will be held May 11 2023 at 10AM CST
This course costs $100. Register here .
Classes will be held virtually on Zoom. Recordings will be made
available to registered participants who are not able to attend live
sessions. Limited student scholarships are available, to apply contact daphne.klajman@isgap.org . |