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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Maxine Cohen Hope for Humanity Educator Award DEADLINE

Event details
Calendar   Grants & Contests
Date Wed, Feb 15 (all day)
Duration   1d
Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio is requesting applications for the 2023 Maxine Cohen Hope for Humanity Educator Award.

All nominations are due by February 15, 2023.

The Maxine Cohen Hope For Humanity Educator Award was established to encourage and recognize K-12 educators who demonstrate the moral courage of an Upstander and in support of humility. It is presented to a local educator who teach universal lessons that can be learned from the study of the Holocaust and other genocides including: respecting differences, acting humanely, speaking out boldly against prejudice, bigotry and hate, and developing the courage, attitudes and behaviors that lead to good citizenship.

Criteria includes:

  • Assists students of all ages to recognize the distinction between right and wrong and to be an outstanding, humane person
  • Encourages students to speak out boldly against prejudice, bigotry and hate
  • Demonstrates personal qualities of integrity, moral courage, responsibility and a respect for humanity in his or her actions
  • Defines the differences between an Upstander and a Bystander and helps students develop the courage, attitudes and behaviors that lead to good citizenship
  • Helps students develop the ability to appreciate different perspectives, recognize oppressive and resist coercive regimes
  • Identifies the universal lessons that can be learned from the study of the Holocaust and others genocides
  • Works to ensure that future generations will learn the lessons and understand the importance of respect and tolerance for others.

Nominations for this award presented by the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio may be accepted from educators, school administrators, private citizens, community and religious groups, Holocaust Centers, government officials, etc. All nominations will be reviewed and selected by the HMMSA Education Committee.

Nominate an educator here .

The award will be presented at the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio's For Hop For Humanity Benefit on Thursday, March 30, 2023.

For additional information, contact the Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio via e-mail or by phone at 210.302.6807

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