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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Hitler's Furies: A Virtual Evening with Scholar & Author Dr. Wendy Lower

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location Zoom
Date Sun, Feb 5, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Duration   1h

The Holocaust Teacher Institute at the University of Miami, School of Education & Human Development is proud to announce the Leslie and Susan Gonda (Goldschmied) Foundation Holocaust/Jewish themed Sunday Salon Series.

Hitler's Furies: A Virtual Evening with Scholar and Author Dr. Wendy Lower in conversation with Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff.

Wendy Lower’s stunning account of the role of German women on the World War II Nazi eastern front powerfully revises history, proving that we have ignored the reality of women’s participation in the Holocaust, including as brutal killers. The long-held picture of German women holding down the home front during the war, as loyal wives and cheerleaders for the Führer, pales in comparison to Lower’s incisive case for the massive complicity, and worse, of the 500,000 young German women she places, for the first time, directly in the killing fields of the expanding Reich.

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