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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


A Divided America Responds to Nazi Persecution

Event details
Calendar   Workshops
Location Facebook Live
Date Wed, Sep 21, 8:30am - 9:00am
Duration   30m

Reports out of Germany in the late 1930s and early 1940s showed that life was increasingly dangerous for Jews. Some Americans urged the US government to offer refuge to those attempting to flee, but most did not want to open the doors. In 1939, 20,000 Americans packed Madison Square Garden—the stage adorned with swastikas and American flags—for a pro-Nazi rally. Outside, 100,000 Americans protested the event.

Join the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum live on Facebook, September 21 at 8:30AM CDT, to learn how our divided nation responded to Nazi persecution in Europe.

Ron Coleman, Chief, Library, Rubenstein Institute, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Dr. Edna Friedberg, Historian, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

Watch live at . You do not need a Facebook account to view USHMM's program. After the live broadcast, the recording will be available to watch on demand on the USHMM’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

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