Holocaust Survivors Stories: The Amazing Journey of Linda and Morris I. Penn and Riva Kremer
Calendar | Speaking Engagements |
Location | Holocaust Museum Houston |
Date | Thu, Apr 7, 6:00pm - 7:00pm |
Duration | 1h |
Details | Hy Penn weaves a remarkable tale of survival and hope as he takes you on the journey of his parents and maternal grandmother from eastern Europe to Texas. His mother Linda, and grandmother Riva, survived 9 different camps including Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Bergen-Belsen, and Theresienstadt. Morris, his father, escaped being shot by the Nazis and was hidden by Christian farmers near his home of Vilkaviskis, Lithuania. Hy presents this program in honor of what would have been his father’s 100th birthday this month. Recently retired from Texas Children’s Pediatrics, Hyman Penn, M.D. is a longtime docent at Holocaust Museum Houston and is a member of the museum’s board of trustees. Register for the event here . |
Repeats? | No |
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