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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


Hidden Child Survivors - A Unique Group (Program 1)

Event details
Calendar   Speaking Engagements
Location Zoom
Date Sun, Mar 6, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Duration   1h
Details Hidden Children, the Secret Survivors of the Holocaust: 75 Years Later

The Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, in New York City, invites Hidden Children survivors to attend a three-part series for and about the Hidden Child survivors. Each program is one hour long and will include a short presentation by clinical psychologist Dr. Irit Felsen, Ph.D., and a 30-45 minute conversation among the participants. All meetings will be on Zoom. Please register for each individual program. Please e-mail or call 646.437.4295 with any questions.

PROGRAM 1: Hidden Child Survivors – A Unique Group | Sunday, March 6, 2022 at 12 – 1 PM Central Time
How have your experiences as a Hidden Child during the Holocaust affected your life? This segment will open with a brief presentation by Dr. Felsen. Hidden Child survivors will be invited to share their personal perspective on the way their experiences affected them at different phases in life.

We encourage participants to watch a recording of Dr. Robert Krell, M.D., in conversation with Dr. Felsen prior to this March 6 meeting. The recording will be made available ahead of time. Dr. Krell was a young Hidden Child during the Holocaust. He later became a psychiatrist, a child psychiatrist, and a professor of psychiatry at the University of British Columbia. He has been an advocate for Holocaust survivors, families, and Holocaust education for many decades, for which he was awarded the Order of Canada.

Register here .

PROGRAM 2: Overcoming – Then and Today |
Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 12 – 1 PM Central Time
The Lifelong Co-existence of Extraordinary Resilience and Invisible Vulnerabilities in the Lives of Hidden Child Survivors Who and what helped you survive and overcome challenges in your life? How do your past experiences help and/or complicate your days today, as an older person, especially during the pandemic?

Register here .

PROGRAM 3: Your Message for Future Generations | Sunday, March 20, 2022 at 12 – 1 PM Central Time
What would you like future generations to know about the children who were hidden during the Holocaust? What would you include in your ‘ethical will’? What would you like your personal legacy to your family or others include? Dr. Felsen will discuss briefly the shaping of the memory of the Holocaust for future generations in one’s own family and in general. Are there moral lessons that should be taken from the Holocaust that Hidden Child survivors wish to pass on to future generations?

Register here .

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