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Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission


6th Annual Commemoration of Kristallnacht and the SS St. Louis

Event details
Calendar   Commemorations
Location Zoom
Date Wed, Nov 10, 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Duration   2h

The Wagner College Holocaust Center welcomes you to join the 6th annual Egon J. Salmon and Family Commemoration of Kristallnacht and the S.S. St. Louis on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 via Zoom at 6:00PM CDT. The commemoration will be led by Holocaust survivor, Lore Baer Azaria. who will present Beyond Anne Frank: Hiding from the Nazis in the Netherlands. This talk will explore the Baer Family's personal experience as German refugees who had settled in Amsterdam throughout the second World War. A photographer, painter and therapist, Lore has created remarkable sculptures and artwork, including a tribute to Righteous Gentiles and in memory of her grandfather who was killed in Bergen-Belsen. The event will also feature remarks from Wagner College Professor Laura Morowitz, who will briefly present a portrait of Amsterdam in World War II.

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