Meet the Author: Rebecca Erbelding
Calendar | Speaking Engagements |
Location | Zoom |
Date | Tue, Nov 2, 6:00pm - 7:00pm |
Duration | 1h |
Details | Rebecca Erbelding is the author of Rescue Board: The Untold Story of America's Efforts to Save the Jews of Europe, which won the JDC-Herbert Katzki National Jewish Book Award in 2018. She holds a PhD in American history from George Mason University. She worked as an archivist and curator at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum from 2003-2015, and as a historian since 2015, including for the Museum's Americans and the Holocaust exhibition. Her work has previously been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post, the New Yorker, and on the History Channel and National Geographic. Rescue Board is the extraordinary story of the War Refugee Board, a US government effort late in World War II to save the remaining Jews of Europe. The staff of the War Refugee Board gathered D.C. pencil pushers, international relief workers, smugglers, diplomats, millionaires, and rabble-rousers to run operations across four continents and a dozen countries. They tricked Nazis, forged identity papers, maneuvered food and medicine into concentration camps, recruited spies, leaked news stories, laundered money, negotiated ransoms, and funneled millions of dollars into Europe, ultimately saving tens of thousands of lives. Admission is free and open to the public, but advance registration is required to receive the private Zoom link. Register here . All Holocaust Museum Houston programs and education initiatives are dependent upon philanthropic support. Please consider making a gift today to ensure the Museum can continue offering quality educational experiences. |
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