Events List
Below is list of upcoming events for your site.
List of Events
Monday, July 20, 2020
at 1:00pm -
Commission Meetings
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission will be joined by Austin Alliance Group who will facilitate a workshop entitled Best Practices in Governance. An electronic copy of the agenda is available.
Members of the public are welcome to listen in on the THGC Commissioner Workshop, however there will be no opportunity for public comment during this time period. The public, as always, is invited to register and attend the July 22, 2020 Quarterly Meeting. When the Commission
reaches the public comment portion during the July 22, 2020 Quarterly Meeting, the presiding officer
will recognize all those who registered, by name, and will give them an opportunity to speak. All
public comments will be limited to two (2)
Please note that no decisions or votes will be taking place during this workshop.
Video Conference Zoom No. 817 3598 1362
Registration can be completed here.
Monday, July 20, 2020
at 7:00pm -
Join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum every third Monday of the month for a discussion on Holocaust and human rights films moderated by museum historians, film professionals, and other experts. We encourage participants to watch the film on their own before engaging in the discussion.
This month's session will be moderated by Dr. Sara Abosch-Jacobson, Chief Education, Exhibitions, and Programs Officer at DHHRM, and Dr. Charlotte Decoster, Director of Education.
Schindler's List is available to rent on Amazon Prime Video, Vudu, YouTube, iTunes, and Google Play. It is also available to stream with a Hulu Plus subscription.
The conversation will take place on the online platform Zoom. All
registered guests will receive the link to join via email the day of the
program. Space is limited! Please register for one ticket per device used.Register here.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
at 9:00am -
Commission Meetings
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission will be joined by Austin Alliance Group who will facilitate a workshop entitled Visioning for the Future. An electronic copy of the agenda is available.
Members of the public are welcome to listen in on the THGC Commissioner Workshop, however there will be no opportunity for public comment during this time period. The public, as always, is invited to register and attend the July 22, 2020 Quarterly Meeting. When the Commission
reaches the public comment portion during the July 22, 2020 Quarterly Meeting, the presiding officer
will recognize you by name and give you an opportunity to speak. All
public comments will be limited to two (2)
Please note that no decisions or votes will be taking place during this workshop.
Video Conference Zoom No. 880 2030 9860
Registration can be completed here.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
at 12:00pm -
Join Holocaust Museum Houston and delve into the life and artwork of Holocaust survivor Samuel Bak through a virtual exploration of the Samuel Bak Art Gallery.
a part of this workshop, participants will take part in a virtual tour
of the Samuel Bak Art Gallery; analyze Holocaust art using interactive
activities that support the integration of Social Studies, English
Language Arts, and Fine Arts concepts; and receive more information
about free education resources and programs available through Holocaust
Museum Houston.
At the conclusion of this workshop, participants
will earn 1 CPE hr., and 1 hr. G/T (Curriculum & Instruction). A
certificate of completion will be sent via email.More information and registration.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
at 12:30pm -
Speaking Engagements
Join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum as they virtually feature Max Glauben, survivor speaker.
The conversation will take place on the online platform Zoom. A link
to join will be sent to registered guests via email the day of the
Space is limited! Please register for one ticket per device used.
Register here.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
at 1:00pm -
Commission Meetings
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission will be joined by Austin Alliance Group who will facilitate a workshop entitled Considering Future Priorities. An electronic copy of the agenda is available.
Members of the public are welcome to listen in on the THGC Commissioner Workshop, however there will be no opportunity for public comment during this time period. The public, as always, is invited to register and attend the July 22, 2020 Quarterly Meeting. When the Commission
reaches the public comment portion during the July 22, 2020 Quarterly Meeting, the presiding officer
will recognize you by name and give you an opportunity to speak. All
public comments will be limited to two (2)
Please note that no decisions or votes will be taking place during this workshop.
Video Conference Zoom No. 842 8075 4830
Registration can be completed here.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
at 3:00pm -
This webinar is developed for an educator, university, and community member audience. It is not intended for K-12 students.The Pyramid of Hate is a tool that can help students recognize the relative ease with which hate, if left unchecked, can escalate. Using primary sources from Echoes & Reflections, including visual history testimony, this professional learning opportunity examines events at each stage of the pyramid and considers how the progression might have been interrupted during the period prior to and during the Holocaust.Register here.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
at 8:30am -
Commission Meetings
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission (THGC) is holding its
quarterly meeting on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 beginning at 8:30 A.M. Every
quarter the THGC holds a meeting, open to the public, in order to
review its current projects and initiatives. The Commission invites any
member of the public who might be interested in its mission to this
Due to Governor Greg Abbott’s March 13, 2020 proclamation of a
state of disaster affecting all counties in Texas due to the Coronavirus
(COVID-19) and the Governor’s March 16, 2020 suspension of certain
provisions of the Texas Open Meetings Act, the July 22, 2020 meeting of
the Commission will be held by video-conference, as otherwise
authorized under Texas Government Code section 551.127
Members of the public will have access and a means to
participate in this meeting, by two-way audio/video, by connecting to
the video access number identified above, or by clicking on the link
contained on the agency website's event calendar. The video
access number contained in this notice is subject to change by the
conference provider at any time. Members of the public are encouraged to
confirm the correct conference access number/link 24 hours before the
meeting by going to the agency website. An electronic copy of the agenda is available. A recording of the meeting will be available after July 22, 2020. To obtain a recording, please contact Joy Nathan, at 512.463.8815 or at
For public participants, after the meeting convenes, the
presiding officer will call roll of board members and then of public
attendees. Please identify yourself by name and state whether you would
like to provide public comment. You may also email in advance of the meeting if you would like to provide public comment. When the Commission
reaches the public comment portion of the meeting, the presiding officer
will recognize you by name and give you an opportunity to speak. All
public comments will be limited to two (2)
minutes. All participants are asked to keep their microphones muted when they are not providing public comment.
Video Conference Zoom No. 834 0352 2335
Registration can be completed here.
The Commission may discuss and/or take action on any of the items listed in the agenda.
Note: The Commission may go into executive session (close its meeting
to the public) on any agenda item if appropriate and authorized by the
Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
at 12:00pm -
Speaking Engagements
As part of the inaugural Rafael Schächter Summer Institute for Holocaust Educators, The Defiant Requiem Foundation is delighted to announce this free online lecture, open to the public.Foundation Board Member and Board President of The Auschwitz Institute, Owen Pell, will moderate a discussion with Mike Thomson, BBC reporter and author of Syria’s Secret Library, and Kerry Whigham, Assistant Professor of Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention at Binghamton University. The panel will discuss recent spontaneous acts of cultural resistance and artistic responses to mass atrocity, taking into consideration how intellectual, creative, and artistic acts of resistance serve as protest and sustenance for the human spirit.Register here.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
at 3:00pm -
This webinar is developed for an educator, university, and community member audience. It is not intended for middle and high school students.
This webinar, facilitated by the internationally recognized Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning, dives into the most promising research and strategies in educational neuroscience that can inform and transform how we teach and students learn. Using the topic of the Holocaust as a guide, participants will be able to return to their school, program, or organization with new research-informed ways to make the study of this history more enduring and usable for students.
Register here.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
at 12:00pm -
Speaking Engagements
As part of the inaugural Rafael Schächter Summer Institute for Holocaust Educators, The Defiant Requiem Foundation is delighted to announce this free online lecture, open to the public.Join Foundation Board Chair, Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, and Foundation Advisory Committee Member, Dr. Deborah Lipstadt, for a conversation entitled "Global Antisemitism in the Present Day." First, Dr. Lipstadt will speak about her book, "Antisemitism: Here and Now", which addresses the alarming resurgence of global antisemitism and its pressing threat to social progress. Then, she and Ambassador Eizenstat will engage in a conversation about the most current issues related to antisemitism, including conspiracy theories concerning Jews and COVID-19, and how the fight against antisemitism connects with the struggle for racial justice and equality in America.Register here.
Monday, July 27, 2020
(all day)
Candy Brown Holocaust and Human Rights Educator ConferenceJoin
the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum education staff and world-renowned educational organizations
for an educator conference covering the Holocaust and human
rights-related topics. This full-immersion conference includes multiple
workshops, teacher resources, presentations by local human rights
organizations, and survivor speakers.
This year, DHHRM is offering
two different two-day conferences. On July 27-28, 2020, English Language Arts & Reading teachers,
art teachers and librarians will receive training based on their
specific teaching subject. From July 29-30, 2020, social studies,
history, government, and special topics teachers will receive training
geared toward their teaching subject.
Conference Update: DHHRM is NOT canceling the conference, but instead the conference will be presented virtually.
All presentations will be live and interactive via video conferencing (Zoom), including breakout sessions.A revised schedule for the virtual Conference will be emailed to registrants by June 15, 2020.Keynote speakers have been confirmed and will present virtually.We will provide all educational resources digitally prior during the start of the Conference.As
an official CPE provider for the TEA, we will continue to provide CPE
credit for those in attendance as all presentations are live PD
sessions. Sign in and sign out will be requested at each session.
Please visit the DHHRM Professional Development webpage for more information and registration!
Monday, July 27, 2020
at 3:00pm -
This webinar is developed for an educator, university, and community member audience. It is not intended for K-12 students.As many schools prepare for continued digital learning in the fall, Echoes & Reflections is here to support teachers with their Holocaust planning and instruction – no matter the environment. How can we best address this difficult history in a safe and standards-aligned manner and ensure the social-emotional well-being of students while at a distance? In this webinar, participants will explore and discuss the application of Echoes & Reflections principles of pedagogy, adapted for online learning. Participants will examine their experiences teaching this past spring – the successes and challenges - and will discover best practices to support students’ learning during the upcoming school year.Register here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
at 12:30pm -
Speaking Engagements
Join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum as they virtually feature Marsha Gaswirth, second generation speaker.
The conversation will take place on the online platform Zoom. A link
to join will be sent to registered guests via email the day of the
Space is limited! Please register for one ticket per device used.
Register here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2020
at 7:00pm -
The History Highlights series features Holocaust and human rights topics presented by museum historians and educators.
Join Felicia Williamson, Director of Library & Archives at the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum, for a look into the museum's online archival collections.
The conversation will take place on the online platform Zoom. A link to join will be sent to registered guests via email the day of the program.
Space is limited! Please register for one ticket per device used.
This program is recommended for high school students and adults.Register here.
Mini Calendar
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