Events List
Below is list of upcoming events for your site.
List of Events
Friday, June 24, 2022
at 1:00pm -
Speaking Engagements
Zoom or DHHRM
Join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum on select Friday
afternoons this summer to hear the testimonies of Holocaust survivors,
refugees, and hidden children, as well as second generation survivors.
About the SpeakerRosian Zerner was born in Kaunas (Kovno), Lithuania.
When Germany invaded Lithuania in 1941, Rosian and her family were
confined to the Kovno Ghetto. When she was six years old, her parents
helped her escape through a hole they had dug under the ghetto fence,
where she was met by her father's secretary. She was hidden by several
rescuers over the next three years before being liberated by the Soviet
troops in 1944.
Click here to register to attend virtually.
Click here to register to attend in person. If you choose to attend in-person, there is no cost to hear
the speaker. If you would like to tour the museum, normal admission fees
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
at 9:30am -
Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio
The Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio will be offering a one-day, 6-hour training at the museum on Teaching the Holocaust in Your Classroom. The workshop will feature presentations and activities that support teaching Holocaust education to your students including teaching with survivor testimony, lesson planning, classroom materials, and SEL curriculum.
Open to all K-12 educators. Earn 6 CPE credits.
Cost: $25, includes breakfast, lunch, classroom resources, and museum tour
Click here for more information and to register.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
at 3:00pm -
Echoes & Reflections' webinars are designed to increase participants’ knowledge of Holocaust
history, explore and access classroom-ready content, and support
instructional practice to promote student learning and understanding of
this complex history and its lasting effect on the world.
In addition to survivors of Nazi persecution, the USC Shoah
Foundation has interviewed liberators and liberation witnesses, rescuers
and aid providers, political prisoners, and participants in war crimes
trials. This Echoes & Reflections webinar examines the stories of Black GI’s featured in
USC Shoah Foundation’s iWitness platform and Echoes & Reflections
who liberated concentration camps, including Leon Bass and Paul Parks.
It will also focus on the experience of facing the reality of Nazi
genocide, while balancing the impact of discrimination and violence at
home in the United States.
Register here,
Tuesday, June 28, 2022
at 7:00pm -
Speaking Engagements
Jewish Federation of San Antonio
Join the Jewish Community Relations Council and Jewish Federation of San Antonio for a timely discussion about the recent wave of antisemitism in our community and across the country. They have gathered a panel of experts from the field: including the Anti-Defamation League, law enforcement, campus leaders, academics, and more. They invite you to spend the evening learning with them.
This in-person event is free and open to the community.
Register here.
In partnership with: Anti-Defamation League, Hillel San Antonio, Holocaust Memorial Museum of San Antonio, Southwest Texas Fusion Center
Keynote SpeakerWhy now? Understanding the Rise in Antisemitic and Extremist ActivityMark Toubin, Regional Director, ADL SouthwestSan
Antonio native Mark Toubin serves as ADL’s Southwest Regional Director.
He joined ADL, a leading anti-hate organization, in November of 2019
after a career in law, politics and non-profit. After working as a
litigator, Mark joined the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC) as its Southwest Regional Director. Between AIPAC and ADL, Mark
operated a consulting practice focused on strategic communication,
government affairs, non-profit, and politics.
Following the keynote speaker, there will be two 30-minute breakout session time slots. Please register for ONE speaker per session.
First Breakout SessionsDr. Roger Barnes, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, University of the Incarnate WordAntisemitic Propaganda: From the Holocaust to Today
Dena Marks, Senior Associate Director ADL SouthwestHate on Your Doorstep: Hate Fliers in Your Neighborhood
Natalie Steiner, Director of Hillel San AntonioAnti-Zionism: The New wave of Antisemitism on Campus
Second Breakout SessionsRabbi Chaim Block, Senior Rabbi at Chabad Center for Jewish Life & LearningHow Judaism Makes Us Resilient
Officer Brandon Cancino and Sergeant Benjamin Flores, San Antonio Police Department Southwest Texas Fusion CenterSuspicious Activity and Threats: Securing Our Community
Lisa Stone, Goldensohn Fellow, ADL SouthwestWords to Action: How to Respond to Antisemitism
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
at 6:30pm -
Speaking Engagements
Eric K. Ward is a
nationally-recognized expert on the relationship between authoritarian
movements, hate violence, and preserving inclusive democracy. In his 30+
year civil rights career, he has worked with community groups,
government and business leaders, human rights advocates, and
philanthropy as an organizer, director, program officer, consultant, and
board member. The recipient of the Peabody-Facebook Futures Media
Award, Eric’s widely quoted writings and speeches are credited with key
narrative shifts. He currently serves as Executive Director of Western
States Center, Senior Fellow with Southern Poverty Law Center and Race
Forward, and Co-Chair for The Proteus Fund.
Click here to register.
Wednesday, June 29, 2022
at 7:00pm -
Speaking Engagements
This virtual event will take place on the online platform Zoom. A link to join will be sent to registered guests via email one hour before the start of the program.
Religion has played a role in genocides throughout history. It has
marked victim groups, disguised bystanders, influenced perpetrators, and
inspired upstanders. The moral charge put forth by many religions has
been embraced and ignored in equal measure.
Join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum for a panel discussion with Dr. Steven L. Jacobs, Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Alabama; Dr. Timothy Longman, Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Boston University; and Dr. Kate E. Temoney, Assistant Professor of Religion at Montclair State University on the impact on and influence of religion in genocide.
This program is part of the museum's Permanent Exhibition Highlight Series. Please register here for one ticket per device used.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
at 9:00am -
Through Region 11 ESC, join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum's Educator for Elementary Learning in a professional development session geared to K-5 educators, counselors, and librarians. Develop the confidence to teach your students the importance of empathy, acceptance, and kindness through the examples of historical upstanders. Participants will receive social-emotional learning tools and resources to take back to the classroom as well as tips for teaching Holocaust Remembrance Week in elementary grades.
Click here to learn more.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
at 1:00pm -
Through Region 11 ESC, join the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum's Educator for Secondary Learning in a professional development session geared to social studies and ELAR educators, counselors, and librarians in grades 6-12. Teachers will participate in a docent-led and interactive Virtual Field Trip of the Holocaust/Shoah Wing of the museum. Teachers will learn about best practices for teaching about the Holocaust and commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Week. Teachers will receive an overview of the museum's lessons and resources for teaching the Holocaust.
Click here to learn more.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
at 1:55pm -
Speaking Engagements
The event will be moderated by Beth Griech-Polelle. Please pre-register here.
Thursday, June 30, 2022
at 6:00pm -
Speaking Engagements
Nadine Strossen is the John Marshall Harlan II Professor of Law, emerita, at New York Law School and the author of Hate: Why We Should Resist it With Free Speech, Not Censorship. She is the former president of the American Civil Liberties Union.
Click here to register.
Mini Calendar
March 2025
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